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5.1 What’s new
5.1.1 Cloud & Meeting platforms
Date: 2020, 12 May
We launched our Demo Cloud & Meeting services under Starase’s Privacy Policy and its regulations.
We will do an overview to make sure you all agree before to use the service itself.
- Cloud: we created a demo cloud ( under Starase’s subdomain which is essentially a self-hosted productivity platform where users are able to upload, share and control their documents, potentially send and receive emails, manage their calendar, create tasks in an easy and secure way.
What we do with users data
As mentioned before we still follow the chapter 2. Access to Your Data / Privacy Policy and its subparagraphs. However, just in this specific domain we implemented the end-to-end encryption by default which is actually in alpha state. Our scope is to maintain as long as we can a good compromise between security and privacy.
- Meeting: it is a video meeting platform solution and basically an application which allows users to hold video meetings.
What we do with users data
As mentioned before we still follow the chapter 2. Access to Your Data / Privacy Policy and its subparagraphs. As per its features include:
- chat to other users during the meetings
- record a meeting
- live stream a meeting
- providing name, email address and link to a picture that will be displayed to participants in the meeting
- chat function, chat content is stored during the meeting
- we do not provide any function to record your meeting
- we do not provide any function to live stream your meeting
We are huge fans and supporters of the Open Source Movement and regarding the platforms mentioned above and for completeness, we would like to share their privacy policy as well:
Nextcloud: Privacy Policy
Jitsi: Privacy Policy